A decentralise way
organize conference
on the Ethereum network

about ================================================== -->

Problem :--> Solution

Building a decentralized conference portal where attendees can vote the talks which they want to listen to. By doing so, attendees will get to learn something, in their zones of interest.

Wherever there is centralization, there will be distrust. Centralization is responsible somehow, for most of the bad things happening in the society like cold war, divorce, breakup, distrust etc. And one segment of which very few people think about, is the conference.


A complete decentralize platform to organize conference and selection of speakers according to interest of attendees.


Platform built on Ethereum network where you don't need to worry about tranperency.


UX is more user-freindly which gives more ease for orgaiser to host conference and attendees to select the speakers.


Well documented workflow is always better then no documents. Developers have written well documented code for using this platform.

end s-services

Tech Stack

We are using complete decentralized stack.

Auction Completed
Happy Users
Tokens Listed
Cups of Coffee
ext install MS-vsliveshare.vsliveshare

Get In Touch

Do you have any feedback in your mind? Talk to us. Let’s work together and make something great. Drop us a line at hello@dxcon.com

Where to Find Us

we are remotely based
In peer to peer network
